This is the page where you can really express yourself! If you have pictures, poems, songs, drawings, anything of Josh that you have created that you want to share it with us, contact Michelle or Cathy with your creation and we will be sure to put it here up on the Fans Page! Keep them coming! Josh, you are my sunshine for each and every day, your movies are wut i put in the vcr to play, you are a great actor and very hot, I would stop and take your picture in a used car lot, you are the best at what you do, I hope to become as famous as you, one day I hope to even meet you! - Samantha, Arizona USA ![mag17[1].jpeg](
How come you had to be famous, Had to fly right out of touch? Don't you know it's heartbreaking, Loving you so much? And knowing I'll never have you, In my arms on rainy days. And thinking of you always, Makes my mind go in a craze. You don't have to love me, I wouldn't, couldn't ask for such a favor. I just want you to know, You're my desired flavor! ~Danielle~ This fabulous pic was drawn by Craig! thanks Craig! --> STATIOUS AND STANDARDS........ why did you have to do that, goin and get all famous. Now there is no chance 4 us, my love 4 you is now just dust! I wish 4 some as special as you, then i would know wat to do... I would hold them in my arms and never let them down. Josh i know dat we can never meet, wif all this statious shit... but late at night listen to my beat, Beat of my heart loning 4 you. - Ashley, QLD, Australia You seem so far but yet so close because you are always in my heart no matter where I choose to go, You are the one that lights up my life no matter how bad things get, You are the greatest person that I have ever seen, You will always be #1 in my heart no matter what and you are always going to be the starin my sky, the light in my eyes, My way through the dark and the love in my heart. -Alycia