"I'm not sure I'm ready for all this. Hopefully, I will still be able to walk out of my house and go to the coffee shop and hang with my friends without having to wear a beard and funny glasses!" - Josh on his popularity. When I turned 18, I skipped my party to take my girlfriend on a road trip. It turned out to be an amazing birthday." "I was eating burritos with this girl and she asked me to be her prom date. How could I say no? We went and had a great time." "I don't think there's a problem with being a teen idol," he says. "If that happens to me, I'll be happy to deal with it." "I'm looking forward to the excitement that comes with sharing your life with one person, instead of throwing it all out to the wind or keeping it all to yourself," "But I couldn't handle it at this point, I'm too immature." "Be honest with yourself and lie to everyone else." - Josh's advice JH: Oh yeah, when I was a little kid, I tried to draw a goatee on my face. CK: What did you use? JH: A marker. A Sharpie, it kinda stuck for a while. - From an interview on The Late Late Show with Craig Kilborn "He could do anything and still look good." -Director Mark Piznarski on Josh "Not a chance. It's not the wedding finger. Actually, it's just that this ring won't come off, so I've had it on for three years." - Josh on the ring on his hand, and whether it means something "Man, I don't think you'd let me cut your hair." - Josh on the type of hairdresser he'd make "I think education is very important, but I don't ant to do all the nonsense busywork" -josh on school "I've come on to a couple of British girls and a couple have come on to me. British girls are beautiful. But they don't really give it away if they like you. I've met a lot of Australians here. Whoah! They just grab hold of you. But what I really love is French girls. Doesn't matter what they look like, it's the accent..." - Josh on flirting and his love life "He was smooth...I was like 'Whoa, here's a kid I don't need to coach!'" -Louise Boorman, Josh's high school theater director "If you're going on the freeway, you get to the place you want to a lot quicker, but you don't see the surrounding area. I've taken the side streets pretty much my whole life, so hopefully that'll work out." -Our wise Josh on perspective " I was just there. I had to sign an autograph for the checkout person. " -Josh when asked if in his hometown he can go to the Home Depot without being noticed. "My best quality is probably my butt. And my worst is probably my pecs; I don't really have any." -Josh on his looks "Guys think of love as a feeling - if you do something wrong, you can still love somebody. So, guys are always screwing up and then saying, 'But I love you!'" -Josh on Love "I'm not good at asking for dates. I wait for them to make their move!" -Josh on asking dates "I've had my heart broken, and it's not fun. But I'd rather have my heart broken than break someone else's heart." -Josh on feelings (Isn't he the sweetest guy ever?) "Danny Walker's not me, by any means. I wanted Danny to be a fetal version of me, a newborn version of me. He's very innocent; very vulnerable, very sweet and idealistic." -Josh on his role in Pearl Harbor "Fame is not something I seek. I don't get angry about attention but I don't enjoy it either." -Josh on Fame "I was really, really worried about being cool back then, but I let it all go." -Josh on high school "He'll act surprised if people want his autograph. He's real modest. I don't know if he really believes hes a star. It hasn't fully settled in." -A Pearl Harbor costar